
Posts Tagged ‘Mehdi Saharkhiz’

Keep spreading the word about the September 18th "Ruz-i Qods" Green Rally!!! Please post this flyer to your blog, facebook page, or website.

Keep spreading the word about the September 18th "Ruz-i Qods" Green Rally!!! Please post this flyer to your blog, facebook page, or website. And, see below for lots of new and important information!

Dear All,


All signs point to the fact that difficult – and decisive – days may be ahead in Iran. But the good news first. For years, Iranians who are ranked as number four bloggers in the world, have been prevented from visiting the sites that the Iranian government has considered containing information contrary to its interests and filtered. Those who devised creative ways to break the filter and get into such sites, are usually in danger of being found and subjected to jail and other punishments.


What is most amazing is that the Iranian government considers the existence of undesirable websites as “foreign interference” in its internal affairs.


Well, this state of affairs may have been ended once and for all. Using Google, an Iranian by the name Mehdi Saharkhiz has come up with an internet tool which he has called the “Green Machine”



The Green Machine! Good News for the Greens in Iran


* Here is the site that gives you instruction for downloading the Green Machine. According to Mr. Mousavi’s facebook page, after you download the Green Machine, you can visit any website – filtered or otherwise – without being detected: http://greenmachine.s3.amazonaws.com/green.html.



Latest Friday Sermon by the Supreme Leader


* On the morning of Friday, September 11, Mr. Khamenei delivered his latest Friday sermon affirming his earlier position that the election had been a great success and that any protests will be dealt with harshly. It is not quite clear what is his definition of “harsh” as, death, torture, and forced confessions have all been tried already. Anyway, this is the response he got from the residents of Tehran in the evening:




Breaking News


* Dr. Ali Reza Beheshti, Professor of Political Science in Tehran University and chief consultant of Mr. Mousavi’s election campaign, who continued his efforts by heading the group that Mousavi formed to follow up on physical abuses in the Iranian jail, has just been arrested. Mr. Mousavi issued a statement (no.12) to condemn the arrest. He predicts that other grave attacks are on the way: http://www.rahesabz.net/story/1301/. For the English translation on Mousavi’s Facebook, visit: http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=134451867605&ref=mf.


Former Reformist Presidential Candidate Mehdi Karrubi

Former Reformist Presidential Candidate Mehdi Karroubi

* There are strong – unconfirmed – rumors that the Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has already issued the order for the arrest of the reformist leader and presidential candidate Mr. Mehdi Karrubi.  While this is a very likely move at this point, it is also possible that the rumor is spread in order to test the public reaction.



Ahmadinejad Will Not be Invited to the Party

* President Obama’s spokesperson has made it clear that in his journey to the U.S. to speak in the United Nations this month, Mr. Ahmadinejad will NOT be invited to the official party that the United States will throw for the world leaders.



Abdol Kareem Soroush Speaks Up


Leading Islamic intellectual Dr. Abdol Kareem Soroush (or, Dr. Abdulkarim Soroush)..

Leading Islamic intellectual Dr. Abdol Kareem Soroush (or, Dr. Abdulkarim Soroush).

* The renowned Iranian reformist thinker, Dr. Abdol Kareem Soroush who has been controversial with his criticism of the Islamic Republic over the past two decades, has written an open letter to the Supreme Leader. The letter criticizes the leader for his response to the protests and predicts the fall of what Soroush calls “Islamic Dictatorship”: http://www.rouydadnews.com/pages/150.php.



The Green Day Coming


* The first day Iranians will have an opportunity to walk out and show their opposition is Friday September 18. It is traditionally know as the Qods Day in support of the Palestinians. However, there are already indications that this year Sept. 18 will be a Green Day more than anything else. Mr. Mousavi’s facebook has

posted this: Green Mousavi Banner on Highway Bridge!



A Beautiful New Song for the Green Movement

* Iran’s poets and artists continue to celebrate the Green Movement. Here is the latest song. The lyrics are by Houshang Ebtehaj “Sayeh,” one of the most acclaimed ghazal writers of contemporary Iran:




Another Iranian Woman Artist


A beautiful painting by Nasrin Khosravi. Please click the link to the left for more of her wonderful work.

A beautiful painting by Nasrin Khosravi. Please click the link to the left for more of her wonderful work.

* Because, I opened this window with an anxious tone, and because I am preparing it on the tragic day of September 11, I would like to close it with the soothing watercolor work of an Iranian woman painter, Nasrin Khosravi, who – in this series of paintings – has celebrated peace and serenity with images of people, flowers, doves, and more. Click here for a presentation of her work: Nasrin Khosravi Paintings. Enjoy!



Don’t forget to share https://windowsoniran.wordpress.com/ with friends.


Good Night,




Fatemeh Keshavarz, Professor and Chair
Dept. of Asian and Near Eastern Languages and Literatures
Washington University in St. Louis
Honorary Co-Chair, Iranians For Peace
Tel: (314) 935-5156
Fax: (314) 935-4399

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